Live Fearlessly

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Fear is holding you back

learn how to receive truth and get unstuck

→ Unlock the power of forgiveness

→ Untangle lies that hold you back

→ Unveil new creative ways of thinking

→ Unleash your true identity 


Start your identity journey today

your true identity is the truest thing about who you are. it is the "I" deep within and truth is unoffendable.

Jamie & Donna Winship

For over 25 years, Jamie & Donna have trained people to overcome fear and bring peaceful and creative solutions through true identity

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Train your team
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Jamie & Donna Winship

For over 25 years, Jamie & Donna have trained people to overcome fear and bring bring peaceful and creative solutions through true identity

Read Full Bios
Upcoming Events
Keynote Requests
Podcast Requests

Ready to bring identity to your organization?

→ Train your leaders 

Nothing changes unless your leaders are on board. Start with reading Living Fearless and bring your leaders to the live in-person Identity Method event. 

→ Level up your team

When you are ready to take your team to the next level of experience, we recommend a customized intensive.  In a customized intensive, your team will walk with a trained coach through the Becoming What You Believe Intensive.

→ Train your whole organization

Send core team members through the Catalyst training and offer Identity Method to the employees throughout your organization.

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